Dear SJ Members

Salaamun Alaikum

Ramadhan Mubarak!

We pray for a safe and spiritually invigorating Holy Month of Ramadhan.

As you will be aware from the last AGM (December 2020), one of the main priorities for the Stanmore Jafferys (SJ) EC is progressing the SJ restructure work, ensuring it is fit for purpose for the next decade and longer.

With a long and rich history, Stanmore Jafferys has evolved over the years to ensure provision of the required services to its members. Furthermore, the club’s governance has evolved over time ensuring it is relevant and appropriate.

Having embarked on our journey towards strengthened sustainability, the next milestone includes membership consultation on the possible new structure of Stanmore Jafferys.

Over the past 5 months, the Taskforce set up by the SJ EC, has been working closely with us and we are now inviting the SJ general body to review and provide feedback on the draft recommendations.

You will all be aware that these conversations started over 8 years ago and we firmly believe that the proposed way forward as set out in the recommendation document achieves all of the objectives per the SJ Mandate to the SJ Committee.

The recommendation document outlines various changes and a new structure going forward, subject to the general body approval.

We have conducted several consultation sessions within the SJ EC and wider sports head/co-ordinators (both gents and ladies) before reaching this stage of seeking your views and feedback.

Our overriding objective when coming up with these recommendations, which we believe are in line with the mandate provided by the general body, is to ensure that we secure the future of SJ by ensuring protection for the EC and all of its members, whilst creating a permanent and clear connection with our parent body, KSIMC of London. This new set of recommendations in our view achieves both of these main objectives and reflects the true intertwined nature of work and services.

You can view the presentation HERE and we look forward to receiving your views, feedback, and thoughts in writing. The deadline for you to provide your feedback is Friday 30th April 2021. 

If members or groups of members feel that they would like to meet us to go through their feedback and thoughts, please reach out to:

The written, as well as any potential group consultations, need to be concluded by Friday 30th April 2021, allowing us to collate all feedback and where appropriate respond and incorporate into the final recommendations.

Following the consultation milestone, the external legal team will progress the work with the formal documents including correct language and terminology.

Once the above is delivered, SJ EC will reach out to the general body in due course with all the documentations and processes for the way forward and approval.

With Salaams & Duas


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