SJ Throwball
A growing success with ladies of all ages embracing this new sport for Stanmore Jafferys
Established in 2022, throwball was an instant success from the get-go. With spaces filling in a matter of seconds and attracting ladies of all ages, the future of throwball is bright. SJ participated in our first throwball tournament at Unity Games 2023 and made it to the semi finals against strong opposition.
Sessions take place on a Sunday evening and are a great way to learn throwball with, socialise and meet new people.
Check out the sports schedule and calendar for more information and details of how to get involved!
Throwball Coordinators

Sakina Yusufali Merali
Throwball Coordinator

Aamina Tharoo
Throwball Coordinator
Throwball News
Session Times
Ladies Throwball
Sunday 9.30-11PM
Aldenham School
Aldenham Road, Elstree, WD6 3AJ