Guidance or ALL Sports
• Everyone should self-assess for Covid-19 symptoms: If you, or anyone in your household, are feeling at all unwell with possible symptoms of Covid-19 such as a new persistent cough, high temperature and loss of sense (taste or smell), please cancel your place from all sessions you have signed up for by informing the relevant sports coordinator(s) immediately
• If you have any underlying health conditions that make you more vulnerable to Covid-19, we advise against participation
• In line with the NHS Test and Trace service, SJ will be collecting the names and telephone numbers of all participants upon sign up (via google forms and or WhatsApp) for each session and holding this data for 21 days. We will also be asking all participants (parents/guardians if participant is under 18) to scan the venue QR code upon arrival using the NHS Covid-19 App
• If you attend any session and subsequently develop symptoms of Covid-19 within two weeks of attending that session, you must inform the relevant sports coordinator(s) immediately. The club will then send a text message to all participants of relevant sessions to inform them and ask them to self-isolate for 14 days
• Before attending Stanmore Jafferys sessions, please read through the relevant risk assessments below for that activity undertaken by Stanmore Jafferys Ladies and ensure you are aware of the risks associated with taking part
• Upon attending Stanmore Jafferys sessions, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and agree to release and discharge Stanmore Jafferys Ladies from any claims or causes of action relating to Covid-19 arising out of these sessions where all necessary controls have been taken to minimise risk
• We strongly advise you to comply with public health restrictions and avoid high risk behaviour outside SJ sports settings to reduce the risk to your fellow participants when you do attend a session
Travel to/from sessions
• We encourage you to follow best practice for travel including minimising use of public transport and limiting car sharing. Walk or cycle if you can. People from a household or support bubble can travel together in a vehicle
Arrival at venues
• Please do not congregate at a venue before the activity begins. If you are early, please wait in your car until the time the session is due to commence and arrive changed and ready to begin warm up
• Please place your belongings away from others so that social distancing can be maintained before and after play and during breaks in play
• Payment (where required) will be contactless ONLY. Please approach coordinators one by one for payment – do not congregate in one area
During the sessions
• All participants must remain socially distanced during breaks in play with spaced areas for equipment and refreshment storage for each individual including officials and substitutes
• Water bottles or other refreshment containers, should in no circumstances be shared. Please bring your own, in a labelled or highly distinguishable container
• Please sanitise your hands before and after a game as well as scheduled breaks throughout a game or training session
• The sharing of equipment must be avoided where possible, particularly that used around the head and face e.g. helmets. Where equipment is shared, it must be cleaned before use by another person. Please see individual sports pages for details on equipment sharing
• There is an additional risk of infection in close proximity situations where people are shouting or conversing loudly. This particularly applies indoors and when face to face. If possible, please avoid shouting or raising your voices when facing each other during, before and after games. This includes when celebrating upon winning points/games. Please do not make physical contact with other players (shaking hands or high-fiving)
• Where sessions are taking place at third party owned or managed facilities, we will circulate the guidelines and/or risk assessment for the relevant venue to participants beforehand. All third party guidelines must be adhered to at all times
First Aid
• Injuries during play should still be treated as participant wellbeing is utmost. Coordinators will continue to be able to administer simple first aid using suitable PPE e.g. face mask and gloves which will enable them to be in contact with the recipient.
• Once first aid has been administered, coordinators will dispose of all PPE used and sanitise their hands as well as cleaning surfaces and equipment that have come into contact with the recipient
Links below contain detailed guidelines specific to each sport. Please read them carefully and ensure you revisit this page to download and read each sport’s risk assessment as they are uploaded in the coming days