Dear Members,

Salaamun Alaykum 

Alhamdullilah we successfully held our very first AGM as a CIO last Sunday (6th February 2022). We secured Quorum a few minutes past the stipulated start time of 10.45am and began with few verses of the Holy Quran recited by Brother Wasim Fazal. We then moved on to the Financial reporting whereby Brother Mustafa Daya (Gents Treasurer) presented a consolidated report for both the Gents & Ladies.

The outgoing Chair – Brother Shafique Govani then gave his final speech as chair, which was eloquently delivered and certainly came from the heart. Shafique was and always will be a great asset for Stanmore Jafferys and the club has made massive strides over the last few years under his guidance and professional approach. One of Shafique’s last act as Chair was to usher the club into a new era in delivering the transition to a CIO – no mean feat. At this juncture we would like to thank Shafique for his services to Stanmore Jafferys and pray that Allah SWT blesses him abundantly for his dedication and service towards the community.


The AGM then moved on to the Election stage, which was expertly conducted by our very own Brother Shabbar Dhalla. At this point the structure of the CIO was formalised as per the new constitution. Stanmore Jafferys now operates at two levels. The trustees of the club (4 Elected, 3 appointed) are responsible for driving the strategic direction of the club, the operations team is now responsible for driving the day to day operations of the club. At this stage the following members were elected to be the trustees of the club:

  1. Sabiha Chagpar (Ladies Head of Sports)
  2. Shaneabbas Merali (Gents Head of Sports).
  3. Safia Tharoo – Ladies Elected Trustee
  4. Zahid Khimji – Gents Elected Trustee


The remaining 3 positions are appointments as per the constitution which will be made up of the following:

  1. One individual nominated by the charity trustees of the KSIMC of London provided that any such individual shall be a charity trustee of the KSIMC of London (“the nominated trustee”).
  2. One male, appointed by the charity trustees following recommendation(s) made to the charity trustees by the Head of Gents Sports.
  3. One female, appointed by the charity trustees following recommendation(s) made to the charity trustees by the Head of Ladies Sports.


At the same time as part of the operations team, the following were also Elected to the Gents Managing Committee:

  1. Wasim Fazal (Gents Vice Sports Lead)
  2. Mustafa Daya (Gents Sports Treasurer)
  3. Saheel Walji (Gents Sports Assistant Treasurer)


The ladies managing committee did not require to be elected in as the ladies elections were held late in 2021 and were carried forward into the current structure.

Alongside the Head of Ladies Sports, the following remain elected as part of the Ladies Managing Committee: 

  1. Samina Govani (Ladies Vice Sports Lead)
  2. Fatema Zahra Allidina (Ladies Sports Treasurer)
  3. Burayha Lalji (Ladies Sports Assistant Treasurer)


The AGM was then concluded by brief speeches from both the Head of Sports, whereby they outlined the vision for 2022 – 2024, amongst this vision the heads discussed the opportunity to consolidate and embed the new structure within Stanmore Jafferys, to continue to grow and develop the sports as well as infrastructure, to continue to foster the spirit of the community, to re-start hosting our famed tournaments and to explore options to acquire/rent a sporting facility dedicated to SJ members.

We will inshallah be releasing details around the appointments to the board and managing committee in due course. Click here to view the recorded AGM.

 With Duas, 

Stanmore Jafferys Team 2022 – 24