Hidayah x SJ Rounders & Pizza - Stanmore Jafferys

Across 3 Fridays between June and July, we held 3 Rounders and Pizza evenings in collaboration with the Hidayah Team of Hujjat KSIMC of London. They all were targeting different ages, going from children as young as 13, to our oldest participant being 57!

Each event started off with a recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by an explanation of the rounders rules.

The teams were picked fairly and randomly by pulling out names from a bowl. The first name being picked was the team captain! Depending on each session, we ranged from having between 3 or 4 teams of 6-8 players each.

Then we got into our games! Rock Paper Scissors was done between the team captains to decide which team would start off batting or bowling! It was incredible to see some people playing rounders after such a long time – many participants said that they had not played since school!

The session finished off with pizza and snacks and a variety of drinks. Each event saw discussions taking place and the participants thoroughly enjoying themselves.

One of our participants said

“We had a great time bonding together on Friday, and the sun came out just for us. Rounders was the perfect choice – it’s such a feel good sport and took us all back to our secondary school days! And of course to round it off, (pardon the pun) pizza and good company was the perfect ending. So excited for the next one!”

Aaliya Yusufali from the Hidayah Team said:

“The pizza and socializing, after the rounders of course, was the highlight of the sessions. Meeting mu’minin and watching them bond was super heartwarming and I think just what we all needed!”

Insha Allah lots more collaborations to come with the Hidayah Team!