On Saturday 17th July, we held a coordinators picnic to enable the wider SJ team to get together in person after so many months. Alhamdullilah the weather was perfect with glorious sunshine throughout the afternoon and plenty of food laid out on the mats!

The afternoon started off with a beautiful recitation of the holy Qur’an by Saida Nasser. Next on the agenda was an ice breaker game of Pictionary. The words were personalised to SJ with words like ‘coordinators’ , ‘golf club’ and ‘shuttlecock’ being in the mix. It was great to see everyone having fun and attempting to draw and guess some tough words such as “forehand”, “volley” and “social distancing”.

Next up, we gave the coords different coloured post it notes, and asked for feedback for both, things SJ does well, as well as areas for improvement. The coordinators, being on the frontline of our events, came up with lots of amazing ideas which we are excited to implement in the near future

The event then ended with a fun-filled game of rounders where some serious competitives idea were shown!

We would like to take this opportunity to appreciate and thank our coordinators who work hard every week to keep members engaged and active.