SJ Golf is now firmly up and running with 18 ladies completing the 6 week Learn to Play Beginners programme and moving to the Improvers stage while a further 6 ladies prepare to start their Beginners Course in September.

We took some time out to sit down with our golf coordinator, Nailah Merali-Rajani, to talk about her journey and why you should get involved!


How long have you been playing golf and what made you want to start?

I have been playing for about a year and a half. I started because my husband wouldn’t stop talking about how amazing golf is and I thought it would be a good way for us to spend some time together! My dad and my brother have always played and I wish I had started when I was younger.


Can you talk me through the progression of how you got more into golf and improved over the last year and a half?

Initially when I started, it was more walking with my husband and hitting a few shots here and there. When I began playing more regularly I decided to take lessons. The lessons have been a massive advantage as they ensured that I had the correct fundamentals with regard to my swing. Lessons really allowed me to improve my game both in terms of technique and confidence.


What is it that you love about golf?

There are many things that I love about the sport and it is very difficult to choose just one! I feel that golf is a wonderful way to reflect and contemplate whilst being active; it’s a great way to go out and get fresh air and it can be played on your own as well as with others. Additionally, golf is great mentally as the more stressed you get the harder it is to play therefore it’s a great way to work on stress management! I also feel that golf is a great way to challenge yourself as you’re always looking on how to improve and beat your last score!


Any advice for women looking to start golf?

I would say just go for it! Initially when I was looking to start I was a bit doubtful and nervous because I was worried about what people may think of me as I was a complete beginner but I realised that everyone is focused on their own individual game and were all beginners at one point! I would definitely recommend starting off with lessons or courses such as the Learn To Play course as it is a great introduction to the game and will ensure you begin with the right technique which will be a massive advantage further down the line.


Any advice for women who have completed the learn to play course, doing the improvers course and are wondering how to continue after that?

Practice makes perfect! Consistency is the key when it comes to golf so I would definitely recommend going out to play every once in a while and ensure that you go to the driving range to continue implementing what you have learnt and build your swing.


How has the SJ Ladies golf been going so far?

Alhamdullilah SJ Ladies Golf has been off to an amazing start!! We have seen lots of demand following the Learn To Play courses and have received such wonderful feedback regarding Harriet Key our Ladies Professional coach. We are definitely looking forward to the girls summer camp and Learn To Play and Improvers courses coming up! We are also hoping to have some social events coming up in the near future as well!