SJ Coordinators Dinner 

8th December 2021

The annual Stanmore Jafferys End Of Year Coordinators dinner was held on 8th December 2021. It was a wonderful evening full of fun, lots of laughter and most importantly good food!

The evening started off by remembering all our Marhumeen with a Surah Fatiha followed by a welcome speech by our Chairlady and Vice Chairlady after which everyone introduced themselves and their roles/responsibilities within SJ.

Next, coordinators were split into groups of four for a fun quiz, prepared by the EC.

The quiz consisted of three rounds, each round having a theme; How well do you know Stanmore Jafferys? How well do you know the EC? And lastly, how well do you know each other (I.e. the coordinators.) For the last round, interesting, lesser-known facts about mystery coordinators were discussed with each team required to guess the identity of the coordinator. Who would’ve known that one of our coordinators is related to an Indian-American film maker?! Whilst another is one step away from receiving her black belt in Karate – so remarkable! The quiz brought lots of laughter as coords looked around the room trying to identify who has a secret talent of speaking Spanish!

Delicious starters and mains were served in between each round.

Next, beautiful personalised mugs filled with chocolates and wrapped in ribbon were handed out by the EC members to every coordinator for their hard work and contribution throughout the year.
The mugs were personalised by one of our very own coordinators, Ayman Kanji who has recently launched her new business Andika. Follow them on Instagram @andika.designs

Chai was served with a tasty marble cake which was made by Mohaddessa Hemani. Follow her on Instagram @mohaddessahemani

After that, the coordinators were asked for feedback on things that they enjoyed in 2021, as well as what they would like to see in 2022.

Lastly, we would like to take this opportunity to thank The Hubb (@hubbthehubb) for hosting us along with their excellent service.

Here’s to each & every coordinator who donates their time to serve this organisation, and to make our community more cohesive through the love of sport. Ahsant.