Stanmore Jafferys CIO Flight – Destination Reached

Dear SJ Members

Salaamun Alaikum

As volunteers and members are embracing their well-deserved breaks, the club is pleased to inform the arrival of a long-haul flight.   

One of the main priorities for Stanmore Jafferys from the last AGM (December 2020) has been to progress the SJ restructure work, ensuring it is fit for purpose for the long-term.

Following extensive consultation and engagement with the membership and community, our formal application to become a CIO was submitted earlier this year in July.

Our hope and aim was to complete the journey before the turn of this year and deliver what the community and membership had entrusted us with in a timely manner.

On that note, I am pleased to inform you that we received official communiqué from the Charities Commission on 21st December confirming the Stanmore Jafferys CIO registration, establishing SJ as a formally incorporated organisation.

The timeline for processing the application was dependant on the Charity Commission and was expected to take anything between 3 to 6 months depending on their own internal processes and the delays caused by the pandemic.

As a result of the extensive and in-depth groundwork carried out by our task force together with the expertise and excellent work by our appointed firm of lawyers Brabners, we managed to deliver the task within the anticipated time frame.

SJ HQ will now prepare for a series of legal processes to be conducted with the support from Brabners. At this point we will be calling the inaugural AGM under the CIO umbrella where the first set of elections will take place to elect the Board of Trustees and Management Teams, the date and time of which will be announced soon after the year has turned.

Alhamdulillah – with your prayers and support, the club and community has reached a historical milestone, safeguarding the future of our great and beloved club.

As the SJ CIO flight has reached its destination – on behalf of myself, my predecessors, and our teams – I would like to extend my sincere appreciation and gratitude to those who have been engaged on this journey as we write a new chapter in the history of SJ.

We will keep the community abreast of the progress and will share the developments as they unfold.


With Salaams & Duas

Shafique Govani

Chairman, Stanmore Jafferys