With over 1300 members, playing a multitude of sports, Stanmore Jafferys has grown in strength over the years.

In addition, we have our flagship events reaching audiences in the thousands, and some raising significant amounts for deserving causes.

To achieve this, we have been blessed with some of the most selfless and hardworking volunteers.

Alhamdulillah, we are proud to present another SJ Award to recognise an individual who has helped the club reach the status it has today.

The award for outstanding contribution and services to Stanmore Jafferys goes toΒ 
Fatema Zahra Hassan

Fatema Zahra has been serving SJ for over 6 years and has been a key part of the club’s growth on the ladies side taking care of the financial and structural changes that have come about as the club grew rapidly from 50 to over 500 ladies in the space of 5 years.

She has adapted to the constantly changing demands of the club which have come at pace and kept stability of the financials throughout our investments running tight processes and keeping us in check on our expenditure and financial health particularly as we started to run large events. More recently as we transitioned into a CIO with more processes, governance and scrutiny required, FZ has stepped up to the plate to keep delivering. Thank you Fatema Zahra for everything – may Allah (SWT) reward you amply for your services to the community.

We got to sit down with Fatema Zahra for a quick chat as we uncovered her journey in taking Stanmore Jafferys to new heights:

1. Tell a bit about yourself. How long have you been serving SJ and in what roles?
I’ve been involved with Stanmore Jafferys since December 2016. Initially joining as treasurer. I also manage sign ups for weekly sports and events.


2. How have you seen SJ develop over the years?
Since I joined, Stanmore Jafferys it has undergone numerous changes. One of the most significant changes has been to the management structure, which evolved from a foundational team to a team with specific posts and roles. After we became a CIO, the management team merged with gents, and a board was established to oversee our operations.
We have also expanded the range of sports we provide, offering a multitude of new and exciting weekly activities. Additionally, we have introduced annual events like Marhaba, Bondminton, and Khushalentines – which was initiated during the COVID-19 pandemic.


3. What has been your biggest learning in your role?
Regarding my role at Stanmore Jafferys, as it is predominantly technology-focused, I get excited about new apps and shortcuts – although I try not to sound too much like a geek! πŸ˜€ At times, I’ve spent hours pouring over information to find ways to automate data analysis.
Over the years, I’ve learned a lot while working with SJ, from setting limits on forms to creating Excel shortcuts that simplify the accounting processes. We have now transitioned to using Xero for accounting, which has been an equally fascinating experience. I am grateful to everyone who took the time to teach me these skills, and I thank them all for their support!


4. Best/favourite memories while serving SJ?
Over the past few years, I have had the privilege of creating numerous cherished memories. These memories were formed with different teams that I have been a part of, and although each one was unique, they all held a special place in my heart. Every event that we participated in brought us closer together as a team and provided a fresh set of unforgettable experiences. One of my favourite parts of these events was delivering speeches, which always turned out to be a hilarious time thanks to my co-presenters – Ismat, Saida, and Burayha.

A truly special moment for me was after the events head ended. Despite the exhaustion I felt, I was always buzzing from the experience and reluctant to leave the venue. The feeling of being a small part of something greater than oneself can be incredibly exhilarating, and it’s no surprise that one would want to savour every moment of it.


5. What advice would you give to those who wish to volunteer but are not sure how/ what to do?
Speak to someone in the team to gain insight into the roles and responsibilities of a particular position you are interested in. Acquire an understanding of the tasks involved to ensure that you are mentally prepared and able to effectively balance them with your personal life. Rest assured that you won’t be left to swim on your own. You’ll have plenty of assistance to aid in your transition into the position, and even once you’re familiar with the ins and outs of the job, the team will be more than willing to lend a hand should you have any queries. Then, without hesitation, take the plunge, as you will quickly discover the excitement of being part of a team, and ultimately experience the satisfaction of achieving your goals.